mercredi 9 mai 2012

Life cycle assessment (2)

Using the EIO LCA tool, we can take further the analysis of the life cycle assessment of the choosen product. Indeed, the EIO LCA tool calculate the impact of our product on the biosphere and the atmosphere. Below is the chart for the PAIC Citron or at least for a product that belongs to the sector of polish and other sanitation good manufacturing. We can see that the PAIC Citron does not have a significant effect on the atmosphere but does on the biosphere. It has the worth effects on woods and fishes.
This due to the fact that the PAIC Citron like other hand-washing cleaning liquids goes into the waste water. And most waste waters do not go through a sewage treatment plant but goes directly into the rivers. 

This is why the chemicals that are contained into the PAIC Citron have to be as ecofriendly as possible to make the least impacts on the environment.
The packaging of the PAIC Citron which is a plastic bottle could also be more ecofriendly. For example, the plastic that makes the packaging shoud be entirely recycled from an other plastic product.

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